Swanwick Murray Roche Lawyers

74 Victoria Parade, Rockhampton QLD 4700   •   (07) 4931 1888   •   SERVICE PORTAL

Resources & Energy Industry Legal Services

Swanwick Murray Roche | Mining | Exploration | Gas | Coal | Geothermal | Solar | Wind Farms | Water | Compensation | Environment | Queensland & Australia Lawyers and Solicitors

We understand the challenges of the sector, the long life cycles of projects and how the sector works.

What we can do for you

Swanwick Murray Roche has a proud history of providing legal solutions to CQ’s mining and resources sector including to mine operators, affected landholders, and service providers in the mining and resources sector.

Our enthusiastic and forward thinking solicitors are trained to provide creative solutions in the dynamic resources sector. We don’t sit in a capital city high-rise office, we are lawyers on the ground who understand the industry and the region like no other law firm. We take a practical, common sense approach to legal practice.

Our Services

Some services we provide include:

  • Corporate governance and compliance reviews and advice;
  • Personal injury & workplace accident litigation defendant representation and advice work;
  • Advice and project management work for state land leasing, subleasing, land acquisitions, land resumptions, access agreements, subdivisions, transfers & sales, ballot sales, easements, contract negotiation and preparation and associated services;
  • Regulatory advice and representation;
  • Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) compliance and Personal Property Securities Register expertise
  • Commercial advice;
  • Environmental incidents and offences;
  • Government relations and regulatory advice;
  • International investment in Australia’s resources sector, including FIRB compliance;
  • Land access arrangements for exploration and development;
  • Litigation, dispute resolution and mediation;
  • Mergers, acquisitions and sales/divestments;
  • Mining, resources and energy developments;
  • Mining services contracts;
  • Construction litigation matters; and
  • Resources sector disputes.

At Swanwick Murray Roche, we have one person managing your business with our firm. This means a consistent and accountable service provided to you each and every time. Our team is fiercely dedicated to providing you with efficient legal advice and services, in a timely manner and on budget.

In business, getting the right advice is only worthwhile if the right strategy supports that advice. We work with you to understand your particular circumstances and to develop the best case strategy and carry out that strategy to achieve realistic goals.

Our Points of Difference

We understand that you want (and we will deliver this to you):

  • transparent communication around fees & costs expectations
  • experienced, knowledgeable lawyers who are up to date with changes in the law
  • efficient lawyers who turn around documents as quickly as possible
  • contact when you need it – outside of hours by mobile & email
  • results focused lawyers who develop your deal strategy to get you a result
  • a risk-conscious lawyer who tells you what the risks are and puts in place best practice risk mitigation strategies
  • a lawyer focused on helping your business be the best
  • a lawyer who takes the time to understand your business, goals and objectives
  • one lawyer managing your work within the firm (but supported by a team in case the lawyer is out of action)
  • clear outlining of expectation – from you and us – and meeting those expectations

We know that we can deliver the above. Our current clients are happy with our services and we can provide you with references if need be. If you need a lawyer who is there for you, contact us today. We will be happy to arrange an initial consult to see how we can go about bringing you on board.


Our resources page contains updates in the law and general guides on preparing for some legal matters. Click the link to find out more.


To talk about your matter – reach out to us via any means to start a conversation. All of our contact information is listed here on our Contact Page.



Our Team

Meet the solicitors who can help you with these issues.

Robert Rooney


Property Business & Succession

Sarah Cole

Senior Solicitor

Commercial, Property and Succession Solicitor

Damien Martin

Senior Associate

Commercial, Property & Succession Law